This is the first Swadge we’ve sold out of! All 2,750 units were sold either at the Fangamer Merch Booth or as part of Pre-Order Merch Bundles.
User Manual
Download manual without Scribd account
Source Code
Everything we did is open source, so you can enjoy poking around if you’re into that sort of thing. We’ve got two GitHub repositories:
- Super 2023 Swadge HW– Check this out for hardware part libraries, schematics, layouts, manufacturing files, and 3D models.
- Super 2023 Swadge FW– Check this out for firmware and utilites for processing media files and programming Swadges.
Sweet Sweet Marketing
Not gonna lie, this year’s Swadge is actually nuts. Rocking 8 LEDs, a full color LCD screen, 10+ modes, 8 buttons, a touch pad, accelerometer, microphone, buzzer, and an updated chipset, this is an absolute Giga Swadge. We’ll have much more information later, but you can expect a full platform fighter featuring MAGFest’s past mascots as characters, playable wirelessly with your friends. Plus so many more games, modes, Easter Eggs, and more! Oh, and did we mention that our open source Swadge is now fully programmable via USB-C?
v1.1 Update
To update your Swadge to v1.1, follow the instructions on our GitHub.
Contact Us
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Want to work with us next year? Email us at circuitboards@magfest.org!